2023 Yearbook Dedication: John Callinan

The 2023 Chaminade High School yearbook will be dedicated to Mr. John Callinan ’84.

At the student body Mass on Thursday, March 15, yearbook editor-in-chief Andrew Galligan ’23 gave the dedication speech:

The theme of the 2023 yearbook, “Three, Two, One,” turns our collective gaze upward and onward toward an unknown future that promises continued growth and innovation while remaining grounded in the core ideals of the Chaminade Man – who does the right thing, at the right time, regardless of who is watching.  This is even more important as we chart a new bold course into the future.

As we look towards the future, however, we must also acknowledge those who have given us the foundation from which we leap. The man we honor today has formed generations of young men through the good example he has lived.  After graduation from Chaminade, he went on to Holy Cross for his Bachelor’s Degree and Long Island University for his Master’s. In 1997, he returned to Chaminade as part of the staff. Though he taught English until 2005, you may better know him as a mainstay of the Mathematics Department. He has also served as Assistant Dean of Students, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal of Athletics and Campus Activities.  He has spent countless chilly mornings on Manhasset Bay with the crew team that he founded in 2006.  Although he is endowed with a booming and commanding voice, it is his quiet leadership and example that have left an indelible mark on this institution for almost three decades.  

Regardless of who is watching, you can rest assured that Mr. John Callinan is doing the right thing at the right time.  Mr. Callinan, please come up and accept your award.  



