HELPING OTHERS “BE THE BEST” – A Tribute to Lacrosse Coach Marc Reeves

Coach Reeves instructing the next generation of student-athletes.

by Jack Chitos ‘23

Chaminade High School remembers Marc R. Reeves, assistant JV lacrosse coach, who passed away on January 6, 2022. The school hosted a memorial service in Reeves’ honor on Tuesday, January 11th in Darby Auditorium.When asking those close to Coach Reeves to write tributes for this article, the Tarmac staff was always met with a grateful “yes,” as if each person was trying to repay him for all the things he had done and the memories he had given them. And as we talked to these people, we can confidently say that Coach was a great man who people were proud to have called a coach and a friend. Coach will be remembered and missed, but his legacy will live on through all those he knew, coached, and powerfully impacted. 


Dear Coach Reeves,

Your love & passion for the Flyers lacrosse family will always be cherished and remembered. 

“May you rest in the arms of the Lord, May our Blessed Mother, the angels, and all the saints welcome you into paradise.”

With Grateful Hearts,

The Flyers Faithful


“Be the Best.” These words are ingrained in the mind of every Chaminade lacrosse player as he steps onto Ott Field for freshman year tryouts. A simple yet powerful phrase, it reminds the Chaminade man to excel in everything he does. Coach Reeves lived by these words each day—and especially during lacrosse season—as he inspired his players to be their very best. His hilarious personality never failed to make players laugh after a long practice or the day before a big game. Additionally, Coach’s instructional skills and keen attention to detail assisted every Flyer in mastering his craft and taking his game to a new level. 

As a defender on the Chaminade JV lacrosse team last year, I benefited most from “positional work” with Coach Reeves. In addition to sharpening my defensive skills, Coach inspired me through his life lessons and pep talks. He has undoubtedly been one of the most influential people I have met during my time at Chaminade, and it was the utmost privilege to be coached by him. 

I am so glad I was a part of his last season. We miss you Coach. This season is for you. And, as always, “Be the Best!”

Benjamin Caccavo ‘23


Coach Marc Reeves was more than just my lacrosse defensive coach—he was a leader, a mentor, and most importantly, a friend. He has always been there for me, from when I was just a little boy to when he helped me make the varsity team at Chaminade. 

Coach was a man who made it a priority to know every player on a personal level, to teach the little things and how to win, and to just make everybody laugh at any given moment. He touched the hearts of everyone with whom he came into contact, and he was truly loved by all of his players and fellow coaches. He will be greatly missed by so many.

For anyone reading this, make sure you check up on those that you love. A simple “Hey how ya doin?” could go a really long way for someone. Life is precious and should be cherished at every moment.

Rest In Peace, Coach. We will never forget you. 

Dylan Grismer ‘ 22


Coach Reeves. I laugh when I think about him because he was a really funny guy. He knew how to make you smile. He knew how to make practice better on the slower and tougher days. 

I know that for a lot of guys on the lacrosse team, Coach was their motivation to keep showing up on the field every day in the spring. His presence was strong on the field, whether due to his intense defensive coaching or the constant laughter he inspired with his witty one-liners. 

But, while he was certainly a great coach, his influence transcended the lacrosse field. He was a mentor. He was a person you could go to if you needed to talk. He was a guy you could go to if you needed some joy in your day. He was an individual who truly impacted each person in his life—especially the young men he coached on the field. 

Coach, thank you for being in my life. May the soul of Marc Reeves forever rest in peace.

Gavin Creo ‘23


Marc was known & loved by all of us, especially the hundreds of young men he cared for over these many years.

The outpouring of love and compassion by not only his former players, but also the parents and coaches, is a true testament to Marc’s positive impact on us all.

Marc touched many lives on his journey here on earth and we are all better for his presence. May he rest in peace.

God Bless,

Coach Bob Pomponio & the Chaminade Lacrosse Family



